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S03:E05 - Appearances Can Be Deceiving, a Different Plant, Suction Cups for Climbing, Lost in the Forest

Mini Pet Pals

Season 3 Episode 5 - Appearances Can Be Deceiving, a Different Plant, Suction Cups for Climbing, Lost in the Forest

2019 · 24 min
It’s summer and it’s really hot: the Mini Pet Pals ask methuselah permission to go and have a swim at the waterfall. Along the road Top Hat trips and he calls his friends in a frightened manner: there is a menacing spider next to a bush! The Mini Pet Pals run here and there petrified, until Berta the lizard reassures them: “It’s not a real snake! What scared you is simply a snake’s skin and it can’t hurt you!” Berta explains that snakes change their skin once or twice a year to change it for another one when they grow and the one that they have is too small., Metuselah calls the Mini Pet Pals: Ester the turtle is waiting for them ant the Shady Forest’s entrance to show them a plant that is very strange. The small friends are happy: they can’t wait to discover what it is, and they each have their own assumptions. Ester shows them a small carnivorous plant that scares the Mini Pet Pals a bit as they fear for their safety, but the turtle reassures them., It is a beautiful sunny day, perfect to go on a trip to the lake. After having arrived at their destination the Mini Pet Pals rest for a bit and none of them want to play with Top Hat, that is getting bored and he wants to do something at all costs. The friends decide to “teach him a lesson” and they invite him to play a game that involves climbing: his opponent will be the gecko Ivan. Top Hat thinks that the small gecko won’t be able to do it, but Ivan surprises him by climbing in an agile manner., The beautiful Autumn day makes you want to take a walk and Nameless suggest that they go all the way to Belvedere to look at the scenery. Methuselah reminds them to come back before it gets dark: they days in autumn are shorter. While the Mini Pet Pals are on the road that takes them back home night falls, and the small friends are worried: they got lost, and around them they can hear sounds that scare them a lot. From a bush Paolino the deer comes out: he has also gotten lost and he can’t get back home.
S03:E05 - Appearances Can Be Deceiving, a Different Plant, Suction Cups for Climbing, Lost in the Forest
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