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S01:E03 - Cop Duty | Coral Reef Cowboys | the King Highway

Zig & Sharko: In the Lagoon

Season 1 Episode 3 - Cop Duty | Coral Reef Cowboys | the King Highway

2009 · 22 minSubtitles Icon
Marina, who feels that there's just too much injustice going unchecked on the island, declares that Sharko will be the new local police officer. The shark takes his new job very seriously and gives out tickets right fin and left... | Zig and Sharko chase after each other on 'sea-horse back'. Zig is knocked out after a fight. When he regains consciousness and heads back to Marina's villa, everything has changed: he's in a western!...| King Neptune decides to have a highway built right through Marina's villa. Nothing can prevent this, not even Sharko who ends up in prison after muscling in on the King to stop him. Marina has to ask Zig for help...
Subtitles: English
Directed by:Olivier Jean-Marie
S01:E03 - Cop Duty | Coral Reef Cowboys | the King Highway
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