Secret Eaters
S01: E03 - Dawn, Mike and Gareth
This week, Dawn and Mike, a husband and wife from Hull, plus their best mate and lodger, Gareth, want our help to solve the riddle of why they’re putting on weight. Dawn says she watches what she eats, Mike doesn’t think he consumes more than anyone else, while Gareth reckons for a bloke of 6ft9 he’s not eating more than he should.
Will revealing the truth of what they’re really eating be the eye-opener they need to stick to a ten-week healthy eating regime designed by an expert dietician to help them win their battle with the bulge?
Plus, we’ll be exposing the difference between what we’re told and what we’re sold by the food industry, and there’ll be hints and tips for viewers on how not to over-eat. This week’s scoop? We head to an ice cream parlour where lucky volunteers help us test the theory that just changing the size of our plate, bowl or saucer can make our brains tell us we feel full, while eating less.
Starring:Anna Richardson
Directed by:Deirdre Dowling
Season 1

S01: E01 - Jill and Stuart
This week, siblings and am dram enthusiasts Jill Hamill and Stuart Raphel from the Wirral are in the spotlight. Both are desperate to lose weight but convinced they don’t eat enough. Once they learn the shocking truth of what they’re really eating, will they be able to stick to a ten-week healthy eating regime designed by an expert dietician and win their battle with the bulge for good?
Plus, we’ll be exposing the difference between what we’re told and what we’re sold by the food industry, and there’ll be hints and tips for viewers on how not to over-eat, starting with a trip to the cinema designed to test the theory that simply eating with a different hand can make a world of difference to how much we much at the movies.

S01: E02 - Castle Family
This week, the Castle family from Welwyn Garden City want our help to solve the riddle of why they’re putting on weight. They’re at a loss as to why their current diets, mainly made up of mum Belinda’s healthy, home-cooked food, could be causing their waistlines to widen. Once we reveal the shocking truth of what they’re really eating, will they be able to stick to a ten-week healthy-eating regime, designed by an expert dietician to help them win their battle with the bulge?
Plus, we’ll be exposing the difference between what we’re told and what we’re sold by the food industry, and there’ll be hints and tips for viewers on how not to over-eat. This week, a group of office workers helps us test the theory that putting tasty treats even slightly out of sight really can keep them out of mind and – more importantly – out of our mouths.
S01: E03 - Dawn, Mike and Gareth
This week, Dawn and Mike, a husband and wife from Hull, plus their best mate and lodger, Gareth, want our help to solve the riddle of why they’re putting on weight. Dawn says she watches what she eats, Mike doesn’t think he consumes more than anyone else, while Gareth reckons for a bloke of 6ft9 he’s not eating more than he should.
Will revealing the truth of what they’re really eating be the eye-opener they need to stick to a ten-week healthy eating regime designed by an expert dietician to help them win their battle with the bulge?
Plus, we’ll be exposing the difference between what we’re told and what we’re sold by the food industry, and there’ll be hints and tips for viewers on how not to over-eat. This week’s scoop? We head to an ice cream parlour where lucky volunteers help us test the theory that just changing the size of our plate, bowl or saucer can make our brains tell us we feel full, while eating less.

S01: E04 - the Meakin Family
This week, it’s the Meakin family, mum Sue, daughter Natalie and son Dave who want our help to solve the riddle of why they’re putting on weight. Sue says she eats a healthy diet, Natalie doesn’t think her diet is very high in sugar, while chef Dave says he’s busy cooking all day so doesn’t have time for meals.
Will revealing the truth of what they’re really eating be the eye-opener they need to stick to a ten-week healthy eating regime designed by an expert dietician to help them win their battle with the bulge?
Plus, we’ll be exposing the difference between what we’re told and what we’re sold by the food industry, and there’ll be hints and tips for viewers on how not to over-eat. This week we head to a supermarket where we test the theory that if we’re hungry we’ll buy higher calorie and fattier foods. Simple changes to our shopping behaviour could help us all shift extra weight.

S01: E05 - the White Olivers
This week, it’s the White Oliver family, mum Leanne, dad Craig and thirteen year old daughter Ellie who want our help to solve the riddle of why they’re putting on weight. Leanne says she knows she’s classified as obese but she doesn’t know where she is going wrong and Craig used to play professional football and doesn’t think he eats that much. As parents, Craig and Leanne are also keen to learn how to have a healthier, more balanced diet for the sake of Ellie.
Will revealing the truth of what they’re really eating be the eye-opener they need to stick to a ten-week healthy eating regime designed by an expert dietician to help them win their battle with the bulge?
Plus, we’ll be exposing the difference between what we’re told and what we’re sold by the food industry, and there’ll be hints and tips for viewers on how not to over-eat. This week we head to a restaurant to test the theory that dining in company can actually make us eat more than if we were on our own. Research suggests that groups of six or more can consume a huge 70% more food and drink than single diners.

S01: E06 - Ronnie and Stuart
This week, it’s engaged couple Ronnie Derrett and Stuart Ellaway from Farnborough, who want our help to solve the riddle of why they’re putting on weight. Ronnie says she cooks fresh meals most evenings and only snacks on healthy foods and Stuart thinks he eats a healthy balanced diet and doesn’t know where the extra weight is coming from.
Will revealing the truth of what they’re really eating be the eye-opener they need to stick to a ten-week healthy eating regime designed by an expert dietician to help them win their battle with the bulge?
Plus, across the series we’ve been exposing the difference between what we’re told and what we’re sold by the food industry, and there have been hints and tips for viewers on how not to over-eat. In this final episode we’ll test the theory that the shape of the glass you use to drink from could affect your weight. Research suggests that we are likely to pour as much as 74% more into shorter tumblers than if you used taller, thinner glasses.
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