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S01:E08 - Episode 8

The Last Steep Ascent

Season 1 Episode 8 - Episode 8

2012 · 46 minSubtitles Icon
Feeling unable to cope with the stress, SAI-LEUNG left a note before fleeing home, which leaves MEI-KUEN no choice but to assign SUN-YUET to manage the pharmacy. Going to the Ho Ching Tong Pharmacy in search of SAI-LEUNG, MIU TIN meets up with SUN-YUET, saying that the two rogues who are selling the fake rhino horns should have been arrested prior to this. Relaying the matter to MEI-KUEN, SUN-YUET indicates that it is pre-designed by KWAN-YIU to entrap SAI-LEUNG in committing the crime. Meanwhile, KWAN-YIU pays a visit to HO's Residence, proposing taking over the business of Ho Ching Tong Pharmacy in Canton. Concerning MIU TIN's destitute living conditions, CHENG KIU, KWANG-TAT and SAM-KAN decide to visit him in Canton. On their way, they encounter the car of CHAI-MAN, who then suggests hiring the three, which is accepted by CHENG KIU and SAM-KAN. CHENG KIU runs into the drunken OI-TAI, telling her to return to Two Oxen village. But she continuously wanders about and ends up being sexually assaulted by some hoodlums. Having taken the medicine, MEI-KUEN is sent to the hospital after coughing up blood. Later on, KWAN-YIU and his son assemble HO's clan members to HO's Residence, and suggest splitting the family fortune in public.
Subtitles: English
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