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S01:E03 - Oswald Mosely: The English Furhur


Season 1 Episode 3 - Oswald Mosely: The English Furhur

2004 · 47 min
Sir Oswald Mosley led the British Union of Fascists in the London of the dirty thirties. He moved easily among the rich and powerful of England. He was an inveterate womanizer and his affairs were the talk of London society. He stood on the podium in Rome beside Mussolini. Hitler attended his wedding in Berlin. He wore jackboots and gave the fascist salute. A compelling orator, Mosley drew thousands of adoring followers to the largest political rallies in England. He campaigned to dissolve Parliament and muzzle the press. He was an anti-Semite and his bullyboys, the Blackshirts, attacked anyone who disagreed. But was Sir Oswald Mosley a traitor? How deep was his involvement with Adolph Hitler? Recent revelations from British intelligence identify his financing sources and confirm for the first time on television that, at the outset of World War II, a right wing coup was being hatched in the heart of London. Only Winston Churchill and draconian war measures kept Mosley from his traitorous path. The Oswald Mo
Starring:Nigel West
Directed by:Roger Pyke
S01:E03 - Oswald Mosely: The English Furhur
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