Cash in the Attic
Season 1 Episode 10 - Amanda and Rob
Jules and expert appraiser Jessica Forrester are in Surrey, treasure-hunting with Amanda and Rob. Amanda recently turned 70 and she thinks its time to clear out some of the lifetimes worth of possessions she and Rob have acquired over the years. Theres no shortage of things for Jules and appraiser Jessica to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? And what exactly will Amanda and Rob decide to do with the money? Amandas flirting with the idea of a face-lift but Rob is keen to spend any money on a holiday for the big birthday Amanda couldnt celebrate because of COVID restrictions. Will their sale generate enough money at auction for the trip of a lifetime?
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English
Starring:Chris KamaraJules HudsonPaul Hayes
Directed by:Dave BakerKate WilkinsonAdrian Hylton
Season 1
S01:E01 - Ian and Bradley
Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Paul Hayes are in Leamington Spa, treasure-hunting with Ian and his stepson Bradley. Ian is a retired civil servant and Bradley, who has autism, works at a gardening company. This stepfather and son duo bonded over their shared love of trains when Ian started dating Bradleys mum Amanda. The family live in Ians late parents house which theyve been renovating for the last couple of years. The renovations are complete but theres still a lot of work to be done; sorting out all the things Ian inherited from his mum and dad. Theres no shortage of stuff for Kammy and appraiser Paul Hayes to rummage through, but are there any valuables to be found? Bradley is hoping to raise the money for a long-awaited trip to Tenerife after his mum and Ian got married in 2020 so theres a honeymoon at stake.
S01:E02 - Jackie and Julie
Jules Hudson and expert appraiser Paul Hayes are in Birmingham, treasure-hunting with Jackie and her daughter Julie. Jackie is a retired NHS physio trainer and Julie is a travel consultant. Jackie is renovating her house so lots of her stuff is being stored at Julies and theyve decided it needs a more permanent home. Most of whats in boxes at Julies house came from Jackies mother-in-law Winnie who passed away in 1998. Winnie loved antiques and she was an avid collector, but Jackie and Julie dont have room for everything. Theres no shortage of stuff for Jules and appraiser Paul Hayes to rummage through but will there be any valuables to be found? Jackie and Julie are hoping to raise money to buy Julies youngest daughter Daisy a pageant dress because shes qualified for the final of Miss Teen Great Britain. Anything extra they raise at auction will be donated to Birmingham Womens Hospital where Jackie was treated when she had cancer.
S01:E03 - Jeanette and Amber
Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Jessica Wall are in Essex, treasure-hunting with Jeanette and her daughter Amber. Jeanette owns a boutique and Amber is a receptionist with a sideline in modelling for her mum. Jeanette was a dancer and model who lived the high life. Shes been married twice before but since 2018 its been third time lucky. Her daughter Amber thinks its time for Jeanette to let go of the past. Many of the things Jeanettes acquired over the years are still in boxes in the attic after she moved into her current house four years ago. Theres plenty for Kammy and appraiser Jessica Wall to rummage through but will there be any valuables to be found? Jeanette and Amber are hoping to raise money for a new kitchen and a trip to the States. Amber wants to visit her sister in the USA to celebrate her 30th birthday. But will there be enough cash in Jeanettes attic for kitchen appliances and a trans-Atlantic trip?
S01:E04 - Martin and Carol
Jules Hudson and expert appraiser Paul Hayes are in London, treasure-hunting with Martin and Carol. Carol is a travel agent and Martin is a caretaker. They met when they were both bus drivers and they share a love of football and rescuing cats.But Carol doesnt share Martins enthusiasm for buying things at auctions to restore and sell on. She thinks hes like Del Boy and that theres too much buying, not enough selling. Theres plenty for Jules and appraiser Paul Hayes to rummage through but will there be any valuables to be found? Martin would like to raise some money to put towards his season ticket at Tottenham Hotspur while Millwall fan Carol wants to fund more cat rescues. The cats they adopt are usually elderly which can mean big vet bills. But will Martins collectables sell well enough at auction for both their dreams to come true?
S01:E05 - Simon and Owen
Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Jessica Wall are in Essex, treasure-hunting with Simon and Owen. Simon is an event manager and Owen is a dance instructor. They share a love of interior design and in the 24 years theyve been together theyve acquired a lot of furniture and collectables transforming the different houses theyve lived in. Theyre planning to downsize to a smaller house, so they need to offload some of the stuff in their current house and garage. And theres one thing Simon loves that Owen doesnt: Lego. The summerhouse in the garden is full of Simons Lego collection and Owen would like to see that downsized too. Theres no shortage of things for Kammy and appraiser Jessica Wall to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Owen would like to raise some money for a holiday, but Simon has his eye on more Lego. Will their downsizing sale generate enough money at auction for both their dreams to come true?
S01:E06 - Wendy and Cassandra
Jules Hudson and expert appraiser Jessica Forrester are in Essex, treasure-hunting with Wendy and her daughter Cassandra. Retired police officer Wendy has lived in the family home for over 40 years so theres a lifetimes worth of belongings in the house, some of it inherited from her late husband Kens family. Wendy thinks the time has come for a clear out, but her daughter Cassandra might struggle to let go of some of her dads stuff. Theres no shortage of things for Jules and appraiser Jessica to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Wendy wants to raise some money to help build a future for her daughters who are both renovating their houses, but shed be happy with a weekend away too. With no set target in mind shed be happy with anything from £500 to £5,000 will Wendy and Cassandras auction be funding a weekend break or a major build?
S01:E07 - Kelly and Scarlett
Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Jessica Wall are in Kent, treasure-hunting with Kelly and her daughter Scarlett. Kelly is a motorcycle instructor and Scarlett is an artist. They share a love of collecting but they have quite different tastes, and their house is overflowing with things theyve collected or inherited from loved ones over the years. Theyd both like a clear out so theres more space in the house and Scarlett is keen to sell as much stuff as possible but how much will Kelly be able to say goodbye to? Theres no shortage of things for Kammy and appraiser Jessica to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Kelly wants to raise some money to build an extension for Scarlett, so she has her own space and a studio to work in. Will the sales at auction generate enough money to make a start on the building work?
S01:E08 - Andrew and Mandy
Jules Hudson and expert appraiser David Fergus are in Warwickshire, treasure-hunting with Andrew and Mandy. Andrew is a retired businessman with a passion for collecting curios but partner Mandy thinks his collecting is out of control. Their house and garage are overflowing with interesting items that Andrew bought to preserve them. Theres no shortage of things for Jules and appraiser David to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Andrew is hoping to raise some money to continue the restoration of a classic Jaguar car. He needs £5,000 to finish the job but will the sales at auction generate enough money to get the Jag back on the road again?
S01:E09 - Ged and Eileen
Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Paul Hayes are in Stockport, treasure-hunting with Ged and Eileen. Ged is a hairdresser and Eileen is a genealogist. The couple share a passion for treasure hunting themselves, trawling charity shops and car boot sales for anything that catches their eyes. Their house is full of fascinating finds and items inherited from their families. Theres no shortage of things for Kammy and appraiser Paul to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Ged is hoping to raise some money to convert their basement into a salon so that when he retires, he can work at his own pace from home. Will the sales at auction generate enough money for Geds basement conversion dream?
S01:E10 - Amanda and Rob
Jules and expert appraiser Jessica Forrester are in Surrey, treasure-hunting with Amanda and Rob. Amanda recently turned 70 and she thinks its time to clear out some of the lifetimes worth of possessions she and Rob have acquired over the years. Theres no shortage of things for Jules and appraiser Jessica to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? And what exactly will Amanda and Rob decide to do with the money? Amandas flirting with the idea of a face-lift but Rob is keen to spend any money on a holiday for the big birthday Amanda couldnt celebrate because of COVID restrictions. Will their sale generate enough money at auction for the trip of a lifetime?
S01:E11 - Jojo and Belle
Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Kayleigh Davies are in Cheshire, treasure-hunting with Jojo and Belle. Jojo is an education healthcare coordinator and Belle works for a bank. Jojo has perfected the art of skip-diving and upcycling her finds. Some of the items Jojo rescues she gives away; some she sells and lots she keeps in a barn near their home. Belle cant wait to have a proper clear out and see the contents of the barn go to good use. Theres no shortage of things for Kammy and appraiser Kayleigh to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found amongst Jojos skip rescues? Will this really be a case of one persons trash being another persons treasure? Just as Jojo donates many of the things she upcycles, so she and Belle would like to use any money they raise at auction to help their local community. They hope to make a donation to their local food bank but will they make enough to give back as much as theyd like?
S01:E12 - Jayne and David
Jules Hudson and expert appraiser Kayleigh Davies are in Leeds, treasure-hunting with Jayne and David. David is a businessman and Jayne is a retired magistrates clerk. They met playing hockey and theyve been married for 36 years but their life was turned upside down almost seven years ago when Jayne was diagnosed with cancer. Since Jaynes treatment was completed and she got the all-clear, the couple have downsized from their family home. After a lifetime together they have too much stuff and not enough space, especially as Jayne is a charity shop magpie who cant resist a bargain. Theres no shortage of things for Jules and appraiser Kayleigh to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Jayne and David have a once-in-a-lifetime plan for their son and his fiancé who are getting married in Las Vegas: they want to be able to upgrade their flights home. But will they raise enough money at auction to bring the happy couple home in first class style?
S01:E13 - Joe and Vicky
Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Paul Hayes are in Halifax, treasure-hunting with Joe and his best friend Vicky. Architecture student Joe met Vicky at school, and they share a hobby beekeeping. Joes other favourite pastime is hunting out treasures in car boot sales and charity shops but hes running out of room for his collection so who better to help him with a clear-out than his lifelong friend Vicky?Theres no shortage of things for Kammy and appraiser Paul to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Now that hes a full-time student, Joe would like to sell some of his collection for a contribution towards a new campervan so he can travel the UK with his dog CJ. But will he raise enough money at auction to help get him on his way with his travelling plans?
S01:E14 - Niki and Stuart
Jules Hudson and expert appraiser Jessica Forrester are in Folkstone, treasure-hunting with Niki and Stewart. Niki is a wellbeing and pastoral care manager in a secondary school and Stewart is a senior fire safety manager. The couple have three children and there wont be many antiques to be found in their home: their tastes are more modern and Stewarts into tech and gadgets. But there are items inherited from their families and even some collectables from when they were kids too. Theres no shortage of things for Jules and appraiser Jessica to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Niki and Stewart are hoping to raise some money to go towards a much-needed family holiday after more than two years without a break. But will the sales at the auction add up to a trip away for five?
S01:E15 - Maria and Gary
Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Jessica Forrester are in London, treasure-hunting with Maria and Gary. Maria is a former accountant whos originally from Russia and Gary is a sociology professor who was born in South Africa. They met in their local park when they were both out for their daily exercise during the first lockdown and theyre now engaged to be married. The couple are starting a new life together and it feels like the right time to let go of some of the things from their pasts. Theres no shortage of things for Kammy and appraiser Jessica to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found?Maria was made redundant during the pandemic, and shes decided to turn her passion for yoga into a profession by training to be an instructor. She needs two thousand pounds to complete her qualifications for her career change. But will the sales at auction be enough to help her realise her dream?
S01:E16 - Michael and Marissa
Jules Hudson and expert appraiser, Paul Hayes, are in Portsmouth, treasure-hunting with Michael and his wife Marissa. Michael is an engineering fitter and Marissa is a housekeeper. This couple met twelve years ago in the Philippines, got married and have lived in the UK for the last five years. They live in Michaels flat which is packed solid with clever buys and interesting finds from junk shops and charity shops. But now they want to move to a house they bought recently that needs a lot of renovation work. Theres plenty of stuff for Jules and appraiser Paul Hayes to rummage through, but is there anything of value to be found? Michael and Marissa hope to raise money to do up their new home. The stakes are high, the builders estimates are coming in but will the sales at the auction be enough to make their plans for their dream home come true?
S01:E17 - Lorraine and Shelley
Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Kayleigh Davies are in Kent, treasure-hunting with Lorraine and her daughter Shelley. Lorraine is a medical secretary and Shelley is a full-time parent. Most of Lorraines items are heirlooms from her father, uncle and grandmother with some pieces dating back to as early as the 19th century. There are all sorts to explore, from vintage instruments to tea sets and family portraits. Much Lorraines stuff holds considerable sentimental value for Lorraine, but Shelley is very keen for her mum to have a good clear out and let go of some of it. Theres no shortage of things for Kammy and appraiser Kayleigh to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? This family have had a tough couple of years, and theyd like to raise the money for all three generations to go away together on holiday. But will the sales at auction be enough to help them realise their dream?
S01:E18 - Rowena and Savannah
Jules Hudson and expert appraiser Paul Hayes are in Surrey, treasure-hunting with Rowena and her daughter Savannah. Rowena used to work for an airline and Savannah is a copywriter. After her late husband died, the family downsized and now feel they have too much stuff for the space in their new home. Many of their items were inherited from extended family, but Savannah and Rowena are avid collectors too. They might share a love of vintage and trawling through charity shops but these two have very different tastes. Theres no shortage of things for Jules and appraiser Paul to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Rowena and Savannah love to travel and after all the restrictions of the last couple of years would really like to raise the money for the trip of a lifetime. But will the sales at auction be enough to help them realise their dream?
S01:E19 - Sally and Luke
Chris Kamara and expert appraiser Jessica Wall are in Essex, treasure-hunting with Sally and her son Luke. Now retired, Sally is a very active super-gran whos always on the go. After a lifetime in the family home, Sallys house is full of stuff shes collected and been given over the years. Luke is keen for her to have a good clear out so theres more space for Sally to make some modifications to the house that will allow her to stay there and retain her independence. Theres no shortage of things for Kammy and appraiser Jessica to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Sally thinks she might struggle to let go of some of the things that hold precious memories, but she also realizes that theres work to be done on the house she loves. Will the sales at auction be enough to help Sally and Luke realise their dream?
S01:E20 - Pauline, John and Katie
Jules Hudson and expert appraiser Jessica Forrester are in Hampshire, treasure-hunting with Pauline, John and their daughter Katie. Pauline and John have lived in the family home for 30 years and it is full of a lifetimes worth of stuff. Theres no shortage of things for Jules and appraiser Jessica to rummage through, but will there be any valuables to be found? Bradley is hoping to raise the money for a long-awaited trip to Tenerife after his mum and Ian got married in 2020 so theres a honeymoon at stake. Katie thinks its time her parents let some of their stuff go to a new home so they can invest the money in renovating their kitchen. She says the kitchen hasnt changed in 30 years and its time for upgrade. But, however much theyd like a new kitchen, her parents might prove reluctant to say goodbye to some of the things theyve treasured over the years. Will they be able to part with some of them and will the sales at auction be enough to fund a new kitchen?
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